Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christian Tragedies

In exploring the genre of tragedy from a Christian perspective, I found it very thought-provoking to ponder the darkest truths about Christianity. The first things that came to my mind were topics such as: man is sinful and that separates him from God and Hell is a real place where some people go. But as our group began working on the tragedy, I realized that there are other aspects of Christianity that are hard to accept as well. Our group based our tragedy on the tragic flaw of self-righteousness, exploring the theme of how Christians can be so caught up in themselves that they hinder other people from coming to salvation. In working on this plot, I realized how often I am just like the tragic hero in our play, how I think that my way is the right way, and furthermore, it is the best way. I think, how much more of an effective witness I could be if I just relaxed a little bit and humbled myself. After all, intellectually, I realize that so many other things are so much more important than the things I concern myself with and that in some areas there are multiple good ways of doing things. Moreover, I really don't have the right to make those types of judgements and that I am just as imperfect, if not more so, than the next person. Thus, in constructing a tragic play around the idea of self-righteousness, I came to recognize all the more, my own tragic shortcomings and how I often need to change my attitude toward myself and towards others.

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